I Got Plenty *
Sung to the tune
"I Got Plenty O' Nuthin'"

I got plenty religion,
And a little is plenty for me.
Don't got that gene
That comes between
Me and ecumenity.

Most folks with plenty of sec'lar
Got no lock on their door –
Nor a claim their sect
Has got direct connect
And exclusionary God rapport.

I got no need for a door;
Doors are not for me.
I prefer rapport
For all including me.

Plus I fail to see a need
For pushing one damn creed
Because it's captured me.

I got plenty of plenty –
Twenty-twenty is plenty for me.
Got my cat, got my dog,
Got a peach to impeach,
And when he's gone,
Maybe even liberty.

* NY Times - 2/12/05
Nicholas D. Kristof - "God and Evolution"

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyric by Ira Gershwin
& Dubose Heyward
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Holier Than Thou'
To 'Who? What? Why?'