I Hate Guns *
Sung to Cole Porter's tune "I Hate Men"

I hate guns.
Especially any weighing several tons.
They tend to be ridiculously bulky to maneuver
With shells so large that one or two could au revoir Vancouver,
And no use at all when what you need's a paint remover.
I hate guns.
None that I have ever seen while serving in the Navy
Was very good at aiming when the seas were downright wavy,
Like a ninety-year-old man whose shirt front's stained with gravy.
I hate guns.

I hate guns.
Particularly I hate Washington's.
I've never seen a batch that wasn't badly underfunded
To the extent the NRA would probably have shunned it,
Having been tipped off by Crossfire's idiotic pundit.
I hate guns.
Like the kind they give you shortly after you've been drafted
With flimsy bamboo barrels so you know you're being shafted
By something Tom DeLay's wife and daughter have hand-crafted.
I hate guns.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'The Right To Own A Gun'
To 'Co-conspirators - DeLay'
To 'Co-conspirators - Novak'