I Hate Hired Guns *
Sung to Cole Porter's tune "I Hate Men"

I hate hired guns.
Like those employed by Washington's
Brain dead legislators seeking someway of impressing
Themselves and their constituents with how they are expressing
Someone else's plans and schemes in language prepossessing.
I hate hired guns,
Who believe the words they write, not only will sound good,
But express the speakers' thoughts who'd write them if they could,
Yet forget it would have helped if they'd been understood.
I hate hired guns.

I hate hired guns.
Who specialize in hit-and-runs.
They're here today and gone tomorrow laughing as their puppet
Tries to find somebody else who thinks he can one up it,
Only to discover it was first said by a Muppet.
I hate hired guns.
Almost as much as I despise the idiots who hire 'em,
Fearing if they didn't that we'd see we need to fire 'em,
Recognizing there's no way that science can rewire 'em.
I hate hired guns.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'The Right To Own A Gun'
To 'Co-conspirators - Others'