In Lebanon *

In Lebanon the best mob scenes
Result from Bush on their TV screens.
"He'll do to us and to Hezebollah
What he's already done to the Yankee dollar.

He says future's in our hands
Long as we give in to his demands
To boot out Syria, then Hezbollah,
And invest with his Yankee dollar.

"Won't be happy till he rules the world,
But instead of knitting he has Pearled.
How'll his Bolton pacify Hezebollah?
Buy them off with that Yankee dollar?

"Prob'ly not till it hits rock bottom,
Then Bush brag about how cheap he got'em.
Is Bush so dumb he thinks Hezebollah
Gonna need his worthless Yankee dollar."

* The New York Times - 3/9/05
"Pro-Syria Party in Beirut Holds a Huge Protest"

Bob Carlson

To 'Diplomacy'