Incompetence comes easy
   as our neocons found out.
Put idiots in charge and
   the outcome's not in doubt.
A Wolfowitz, a Douglas Feith,
   the list goes on and on.
How sad Bush was so easy
   for these idiots to con.

Supply side economics
   weren't considered all that clever
By sheiks who cautioned Bremer:
   not right now, and maybe never.

Instead of lower tax rates
   published by your Iv'ry Tower,
And ever lower tariffs,
   what we need is candlepower.
Why look around for businesses
   you want to privatize,
When what we need is water,
   not another Bush franchise.

Incompetence is easy
   in a Bush administration:
First fight against abortion,
   then abort the occupation.
Send Cheney to a Yankee game
   and not the swearing in.
Showcase his incompetence.
   Some Yankees still might win.

Bob Carlson