Individual Attention *
Sung to the tune
"Too Marvelous For Words"

Is Bush too marvelous?
Too marvelous for words?
Magnanimous, pusillanimous,
Even when he's scammin' us -

For when Merck's pill
Makes you ill
Without a living will,
He'll pass a law
With much hoopla
Determining your last hurrah.

Forget world terror and Wolfowitz's error.
He'll put in play the heavy hand of Tom DeLay.
For what the heck, Merck's side effect
Means just as much as any OPEC…

So instead
Of fixing budgets in the red,
They'll spend more dough
To notify Judge So-and-so
When you should be dead.

* The New York Times - 3/22/05
"Exploiting Terry Schiavo"

Music by Richard Whiting
Original Lyric by Johnny Mercer
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Wake Up Calls For Bush'
To 'Himself - Autocrat'
To 'Himself - Holier Than Thou'
To 'Policies - Health Care'