Is It True What Bush Brags About Baghdad?
To be sung with Al Jolson to the tune
"Is It True What They Say About Dixie?"
(… Does the sun really shine all the time?)

Is it true what Bush brags about Baghdad?
Does the sun shine on Sunnis all the time?
Are the Shia playing possum?
Does Lieberman love wars
While Pratt & Whitney prospers,
While Sikorski soars?

Is it true Bushie's favorite solution
Is letting Lieberman lead the charge?
Is a Baghdad Waterloo with his Bushie buckaroo
The going price for a Senator at large?

But how sad that neither jerk
Will never lose his smirk
When canaries to be swallowed are the perk.

Music by Gerald Marks
Original Lyric by Irving Caesar & Sammy Lerner
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Joe Lieberman'