It's Jack's Pork
Being sung in Congress to the Rodgers & Hammerstein song
"Shall We Dance?"
(…On a bright cloud of music, shall we fly?)

It's the pork!
With the aid of Jack Murtha we'll earmark
Lots more pork.
Another bridge to nowhere? See the shark
For your pork.

Why let ethics or your conscience leave their mark?
It's none of the nation's bus'ness
That each day's a Murtha Christmas –
In exchange for your vote bring your fork,
And the clear understanding
That when Bushie and his pal need your support,
It's the pork,
It's the pork,
It's the pork.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Oscar Hammerstein III
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'