China detains journalists,
   like Bush's judges do.
Some have been lucky that he and they
   don't hold grudges too.

Inspired by China's MBI,
   the former IBM,
Bush George will soon proclaim that he
   is selling us to them.
Outsourcing's not enough;
   illegal immigrants a tease.
We, including immigrants,
   must now become Chinese.

Confucius say that those who wish
   to exit from Iraq,
Must try persuading Chinese Army
   please pick up the slack.
Rumsfeld Donald obviously
   lacks enough recruits,
But once we're part of China,
   they'll send millions, bet your boots.

Because they're buying Treasuries,
   financing Bush George debt,
The hourly wage we're used to is
   the monthly wage we'll get.
The good news is that Novak Robert
   will end up in jail.
Chinese journalists aren't given
   medals for betrayal.

Bob Carlson
www.politicalboondoggles.combr> 12/16/04

To 'Believing In Medals'
To 'Bush's CIA'
To 'Brush Up Your Chinese'