Keep him out of mischief. How?
Vote him out of office now!
I was nearly retired.
Now they tell me I'm fired.
Ev'ryone can plainly see
What his schemes have done for me.

No one warned me in advance
That he'd pick a fight with France.
No Fremch fries would he allow,
That mischief maker's cat's meow!

Why'd stewed tomatoes,
Not fried potatoes,
Require my parent company's
New take-out windows
To get those heave-hos?
Tomato spill catastrophes!

Clever ploys that he's enjoyed –
Guess who now is unemployed?

We must
Keep him out of mischief now.
Don't need him around nohow.
We got rid of Quayle potatos
Next it's Bush and his rotten tomatoes.
Ev'ry day I take the vow
To vote him out of office now,
To get him unemployed somehow.

Music by Fats Waller
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson