Being sung by Bushie to Fats Waller's tune
"Honeysuckle Rose"
(Every honeybee fills with jealousy)

That's become the plea,
Why they won't campaign with me.
But when asked to strike a pose,
Must each hold his nose?

Some say passersby
Now expect a lie
When politicians get asked why
Republicans have come to blows
And hold each other's nose.

Even Woodward
Thinks he's fin'lly figured out what's up,
That my Congress
Of Evangelicals won't pass the cup.

Need lots more hot tips?
Cheney's got some pips
If he'd loosen up his lips.
Wasn't that Iraq he chose?
Must you hold your nose?

Music by Fats Waller
Original Lyric by Andy Razaf
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Betrayed'