Look What He's Done With His War, Ma
Sung to the tune
"What Have They Done To My Song, Ma?"

Look what he's done with his war, Ma.
Look what he's done with his war –
Given terrorists a place to breed,
Reasons to hate us they didn't need, Ma –
Look what he's done with his war!

Why does he say we must stay, Ma?
Why does he say we must stay?
He insists we'll stay the course,
But why bet on a losing horse, Ma?
Why does he say we must stay?

Who will we fight or defend, Ma?
Who will we fight or defend?
As Iraq starts to fall apart,
How can we fight for each sep'rate part, Ma?
Who will we fight or defend?

How can we fight on three sides, Ma?
How can we fight on three sides?
Sunnis fighting Kurds and Shia –
Soon all have the same idea –
How can we fight on three sides?

He'll say we're there to defend, Ma.
He'll say we're there to defend.
But if they're shooting one another,
I could be shooting our baby brother –
Won't friends end up shooting their friends?

Music & Original Lyric by Melanie Safka
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'