Lord Bushie's back to drinking and has declared it a sin
"Not to be more reverential to the power of gin."
Like who would bother with Iraq less'n he's in his cups?
Or think that Brown's the exception to loyalty corrupts?

But still complaints keep pouring in about sanctimonious plans
For taxing future whoring by religious Republicans.
Have they forgotten he's back to drinking and has declared it a sin
"Not to be more reverential to the power of gin"?

Like Poppy he says to read his lips; it hasn't happened yet,
And, despite his great successes, hardly is a sure bet.
"Yet Ashcroft says it's worth a try, so what more can I say?
The man's a paragon of virtue for his stand on décolleté."

But those who say it's discriminatory haven't heard him out.
Taxing whoring's an old story when emperors have the clout.
So Bushie's back to drinking and has declared it a sin
"Not to be more reverential to the power of gin."

He'd make sure that DeLay's exempt if he starts taxing now.
After all he's one of them and a whole lot holier than thou.
But Lieberman? Perhaps a pass although he has sold his soul
To expedite Lord Bushie's need for Federal birth control.

Under that plan Viagara won't be available to Democrats.
"Keep those birds from multiplying. We'll drink to that fat cats!"
To think that a condom's the answer, is a despicable sin.
That's why her Lord and Laura abstain by chug-a-lugging gin.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Holier than Thou?'
To 'Bushie, Drinking Again'
To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Joe Lieberman'