Moby Dick
As sung by Eartha Kitt to the tune
(Hey! Daddy! I want a diamond ring, bracelets, ev'rything.)

Remember when you heard this rumor 'bout
Obsession with a whale,
A very oil-rich whale?
It seems this die-hard's mission
Was all about strongarming,
Uh, I mean disarming,
His own whale –
A whale who was enormous, elusive,
    obstreperous and strong,
Whose agony Bush would help prolong.

Hey! Daddy!
This time I didn't smirk,
Or act the jerk.
So, Daddy,
Why won't my scared face work for me?

Hey! Daddy!
Iraqis hate my shtick
And make like Moby Dick.
So, Daddy,
Was Ahab distant family?

For now in utter desperation
I'll try a final esculation
Despite considerable consternation
And advocates of abdication.

Hey! Daddy!
Dick said harpoon the whale,
But nothing 'bout the tale.
Why doesn't Mommy read to me?

Music & Original Lyric by Bobby Troup
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Quitting Iraq'