Mrs. Withington's Sunni Solution

The answer is so obvious why hasn't it occurred
To anyone excepting Mrs. Withington III?
The Sunnis are contending that, because there's fewer of them,
Insurgency is what's required if Bush won't turtledove them.

Acknowledging that Bush has shown so little aptitude,
Without her plan, she doubts he'll change that Sunni attitude.
Surpisingly DeLay would be a key cog in her scheme:
She needs a gerrymanderer to help the Sunni team.

She says Iraq's democracy should look a lot like ours
Where little old Wyoming has extraordinary powers,
And just as many Senate seats as little old New York,
So why can't Sunnis also get more than their share of pork?

With Tom DeLay's assistance that should be a piece of cake.
Who cares if their "Wyoming" ends up looking like a snake?
She says then all that's needed is a Sunni-Rove campaign.
To convince the Muslim world that they've been born again.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Tom DeLay'
To 'Withington Verses'