Ms. Cheney Speaks Out
Sung to Cole Porter's tune "I Hate Men"

I hate men.
If they're like Father, not just now and then.
If Cheney was your poppa would you risk there might be others
Who would need 3-A deferment pregnancies like Mother's?
Or find that it is easier to exercise your druthers
And hate men?
I wouldn't want to bring into this world another Cheney
Who idiotic Bushes might mistakenly think brainy,
Who'd end up heading up another zany miscellany.
I hate men.

I hate men,
Idiots who can't but think they can.
Who can't believe all nations don't possess a Tallahasee
Essential to exporting a Bush-Cheney democracy
With bumper stickers reading "Jesus Lives" and "We Love Lassie."
I hate men.
I'd hate to see a kid of mine emulating his grand-puppa,
A VP for a Bush who ev'ry night eats his Last Supper,
Who thinks Iran just like Iraq's a quickie fixer-upper?
I hate men.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Cheney'