My Job
Being sung by Bushie to Smokey Robinson's tune
"My Girl"
(I've got sunshine on a cloudy day)

Got my hot line
At the NSA.
I've been certified
To check e-mails all day.

If you must know,
What can make me go, "Oh, oh"?
My job,
Talking 'bout my job.

I hear such hot stuff, even Heff envies me,
Like their talk of Jockey vs. BVD.

Don't need Democrats laying the blame
On how Denny Hastert's boys
Are sharing the shame.

With my hot line at the NSA
It's my job
To check on what they've got for prey.
That's my job!
Talking 'bout, talking 'bout, talking 'bout
My job.
Gosh! My job.
That's all I can talk about is my job.

Music & Original Lyric by Smokey Robinson
& Ronald White
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Denny Hastert'
To 'Bushie's Snooping & Bugging Policy'