Negroponte's Doubts
Being sung to Bushie by John Negroponte to the tune
"You Turned The Tables On Me"
(You turned the tables on me and now I'm falling for you)

You've turned the tables on me,
So now I'm working for who?
Your fabled Bush coterie
Can't get you past déjà vu?

Intelligence that you sought
Will have to wait while I prop
Your inept conspirator.
Even so we can't win
When, from the beginning,
You've needed a corps or two more.

You said I'd be the top cop,
Enjoy a throne of my own.
Now as your Pew ratings drop,
I'm told support your millstone.

But can a piddling make-over blow over
The fiasco that's your legacy?
Won't undoing Bush, Cheney and Rice
Take more than one Negroponte?

Music by Louis Alter
Original Lyric by Sidney D. Mitchell
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Quitting Iraq'