No Mullah Left Behind

'No Mullah Left Behind' is better
   funded than that big vote-getter,
   'No Child Left Behind', that Bush marquees.
Why won't he spend the dollars needed
   to guarantee kids have succeeded
   instead of helping Powell sell TVs?

And why help raise the price of oil
   so fewer mullahs need to toil
   to rank with Forbes's mullah millionaires?
If he'll raise taxes at the pump,
   we'll use less; crude costs won't jump;
   and we won't be the answer to their prayers.

Instead gas taxes that we paid
   could supply much needed aid
   to 'No Child Left Behind' and not a mullah.
Junior's Pop might not approve.
   He'll want to see his son's lips move,
   but that's a horse of quite a diff'rent color.

Bob Carlson

To 'Another Child Left Behind'
To 'Who's For Sale?'