No Need For Vetoes
(To be sung with Ethel Waters to the tune
"There'll Be Some Changes Made"
(For there's a change in the weather…)

There'll be no need for more vetoes.
   It's a change that you'll see
Congress and the courts have lost their
   pow'r over me.
Laws no longer matter –
   double talk is my game.
Makes no diff'rence what they pass
   or try to claim.

I'll rule the way I want to
   and if that's not enough
I've attorneys who will make up
   my own stuff
No one's gonna tell me
   what do, spend or say –
Who'll care tomorrow
   what polls say today?
There's been some changes made.

Who needs a constitution when
   George Bush is in charge
And presidential power has been
   made this large?
Scalia and his cronies put me
   where I am –
Like tits on a bull,
   wham, bam, thank you ma'am.

I'll torture who I want to –
   treat 'em rough;
Ev'ry lull in the fighting –
   I'll strut my stuff.
Poppy profiteers the Halliburton way –
So with Rummy, Dick and Peter Pace
   I'm here to stay.
There's been some changes made.

Music by W. Benton Overstreet
Original Lyric by Billy Higgins
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Arrogant Autocrat'