North Korea 6, Bush/Bolton 0 *
Sung to the tune
"Honeysuckle Rose"

Talk bilater'lly?
Fueled stupidity –
Who should we blame, goodness knows?
Scorn for Bolton grows.

Time has passed Bush by.
Quarantines won't fly
And we know the reason why –
Who's in charge of Bush's "No's"?
Scorn for Bolton grows.

North Ko-re-a
   built six more on Bolton's watch.
Kim Jung Il's now
   got Bush/Bolton by the crotch.

As the venom drips,
Will Bush come to grips
With John Bolton's ego trips,
Or promote him though he knows
Scorn for Bolton grows?

* The New York Times - 4/26/05
Nicholas D. Kristof - "N. Korea, 6
And Bush, 0"
* The New York Times - 4/26/05
Robert Wright - "Terror in the Past
And Future Tense"

Music by Fats Waller
Original Lyric by Andy Razaf
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Bolton'
To 'Diplomacy'