O Bush, We Pray
To be sung to the hymn
"O God, Our Help In Ages Past"

O Bush, we pray that Thou won't last
   beyond two thousand six,
For when we can we'll ditch the caste
   who got us in this fix.

Inside the bubble that's Thy throne
   Thy cronies felt secure,
If only Thou and they had known
   how little we'll endure.

Before oil bills and warfare could
   reject Thy claim to fame,
Thy proclamations Thou art Good
   fortold a reign of shame.

With thousands dying in Thy fight
   and peace on earth unknown,
Thou used Thy watch to claim Thy right
   to eavesdrop ev'ry phone.

Time for an unrelenting purge
   to chase our fears away,
So please resist MacGregor's urge
   to stay and stay and stay.

So Bush, we pray that Thou won't last
   beyond two thousand six,
For when we can we'll ditch the caste
   who got us in this fix.

Music by William Croft
Original Lyric by Isaac Watts
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Carols & Hymns'
To 'Bushie, Impeached'
To 'Bushie, The Loser'