On His Road To Ruin
To be sung with the Glenn Miller Orchestra to
"Elmer's Tune"
(Why are the stars always winkin' and blinkin' above?)

Is he good at uniting, keep biting your tongue,
Or at quelling rhe fighting the idiot's sprung?
How'll he pay for his tax cuts if we eat our young
On his road to ruin?

Who'll he find with a mosque he can vow to protect,
Then when it's blown up, tell them we'll write a check?
But will it get mailed or buy more triple sec
On his road to ruin?

Hissin' missin'?
Kissin' up's not leadin' to dismissin`.
Wing it! Sling it,
Whatever you can to give him a fit.

Will more people with cancer be left in the lurch
When a possible answer is more stem cell research?
As a misson remission is surely worth doin'
On his road to ruin.

Music & Original Lyrics
by Elmer Albrecht, Sammy Gallop & Dick Jurgens
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Lying Prevaricator'
To 'Bushie's Health Care Policy'