(Sung to the tune "Beg Your Pardon")

Weinberger: guilty, but was pardoned.
Abrams: also guilty, but was pardoned.
Reagan and Bush One
Showed how it was done –
Iran/contra lies, then they're pardoned.

Scooter will be jailed and then pardoned.
Hadley could be nailed and be pardoned.
Cheney saved Bush One.
Now he needs the son
So when he's found guilty he'll be pardoned.

Violate the law and be pardoned.
They're above the law so they're pardoned.
Governments of lies,
To no one's surprise –
Criminal conspiracies get pardoned.

Music & Original Lyrics
by Francis Craig and Beasley Smith
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Corruption'