Partners In Crime
To be sung with Sophie Tucker to the tune
"Darktown Strutters Ball"
(I'll be down to get you in a taxi, honey.)

I've got more bad news, honey,
Just when we were sure that we had heard it all.
It's about how they were paired
As the two of them ran scared.

The "Democratic" rat knew that most would vote
Against a Nutmeg clown at Bushie's beck and call –
But now that he's a turncoat he is desperate
In ways that make a snake's skin crawl.

Can you guess who'll get us into more wars, honey?
Will Bush and Lieberman assassinate
Opposing heads of state?
They're threatening Assad and Sheik Nasrallah.

Remember who is evil, honey,
Who took steps to make sure peace talks stall,
Who will try most any ruse
So Nasrallah has to refuse
Until it's time for elections in the Fall.

Music & Original Lyric by Shelton Brooks
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Lieberman'