"Pentagon seeks to expand its intelligence"
A plan many millions will surely applaud.
Rummy, the dummy, should be put out to pasture,
As should his assistants by whom we've been scrod.

"Pentagon seeks to expand its intelligence"
Ban those with IQs below seventy-two.
How many are left? Not all that many,
And not a one of that Neocon crew.

"Pentagon seeks to expand its intelligence"
Abort anti-missiles and their cock and bull.
Scrap fuzzy satellite photos for Powell.
And forget sleepless nights fearing what they will pull.

"Pentagon seeks to expand its intelligence"
All the world wonders why it didn't before,
Proving again that it takes one to know one,
That an MGM lion only knows how to roar.

Bob Carlson

To 'Pentagonian Deceits'
To 'Serving Rummy'