Prepared To Police the Mid-East
Praising Hillary's plans to police the mid-East
to the song "The Lady In Red"
(Oh, the lady in red; the fellows are crazy for the lady in red)

The lady has said
She'll police the mid-East (from her new Queen-sized bed).
Sounds a bit heady, but already she's acquired
    a medium-firm Posturepedic.

The lady has said
That the baggage she brings when the telephone ringing is red,
Reminds her that Monica's three o'clock calls,
    were, from her current perspective, comedic.

So if Israel strikes,
    or, Allah forbid, should be stricken,
She'll be in her pajamas
    and not be caught out cotton pickin' –
And if Saudis revolt,
    she wil dispatch a dolt like Petraeus,
Praying Congress will not
    concurrently detach the S'Andreas –

Though Fox pundits have said
    with no Bush-McCain plan
    she'll be disastrously, despicably and unpatriotically
    in way over her head,
To date she's denied she'll downsize
    her reign to a twin Bob-o-ped-ic.

Music by Allie Wrubel
Original Lyric by Mort Dixon
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'