Prime Time Lifebuoy Rove
Sung to the tune "Ragtime Cowboy Joe"

Rove often leaks
Misinformation to the media as he seeks
Retribution for revealing that his boss
Appears to be sedated
And hated as a leader,
A right-wing trick or treater.

How they grin
When they hear Karl Rove begin,
For even Robert Novak knows
Here's a chance to peddle sleeze
To some right-wing devotees –

Talk about great lyin',
And constant alibyin' –
Get a load of Rove's!

Music by Lewis F. Muir & Maurice Abrams
Original Lyric by Grant Clarke
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Novak'
To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'