Private Nest Eggs
Sung to the tune "The Love Nest"

Some presidents have mimed their moans
   since Roosevelt began
His plan for safe retirement funds
   for each American.
In silence they have fussed and fumed
   and claimed it wasn't fair
That Wall Street could not charge huge fees
   as the concessionaire.
But now they've found someone who voices
Guarantees for new Wall Street Rolls Royces.

Private nest eggs – so where is the harm
If some poor folks are betting the farm?
The pigeon flocks to penny stocks? Well, so what?
Fort Knox for the fox is what we've got.

WorldCom nest eggs with Bernie in charge –
Churned accounts are now looming large –
Our thanks to Bush for loving dog-eat-dog
So a few can live high on the hog.

Music by Louis A. Hirsch
Original Lyric by Otto Harbach
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Social Security'