Protecting Our Ports
To be sung to the Cole Porter tune
"My Heart Belongs To Daddy"
(While tearing off a game of golf I may make a play for the caddy)

Busy cutting brush, is he going to rush
   to deal with a minor diversion?
"So your levee breaks? Why not pull up stakes
   and limit your time of immersion?"

To avoid a repeat of Rove taking the heat
   for appointing incompetent phonies,
Bush plans to export control of each port
   to a firm of Arabian cronies

Yes, a firm of Arabian cronies,
Who've promised a deal for his Dad.
In addition they prob'ly know ponies
Which is not necessarily bad.

With their hands in the till he's sure Congress will
   ignore any prior transgressions.
Those who view 9/11 as a highway to heaven
   shouldn't fear Cheney's hunting obsessions.

Though some terrorists might express their delight
   at compatriots running Bar Harbor,
Will financial gain for all but McCain
   compensate for repeats of Pearl Harbor
In Kennebunkport,
Or only impoverished Bar Harbor?

Music & Original Lyrics by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Domestic Disasters'
To 'Bushie's Arabian Ports'