He's still alive? Can you believe it?
   There's not a lot that you can do.
It will take an act of God
   to help the prophecy come true.
John Wilkes Booth! Lee Harvey Oswald!
   Both have demonstrated
That we the people have no say
   about who'll be assassinated.

For that's the grim prediction,
   the cycle that has held.
So four more years to hold your breath –
   an agony unparalleled.
Turn on Fox News (hate Robert Novak);
   try to see it happen.
God, forbid that it occurs
   whenever you are nappin'.

Reality TV for all,
   a president beheaded
By Rummy, Feith and Wolfowitz,
   aided and abbetted
By O.J. and Scott Peterson,
   who'll have the finest lawyers
To guarantee a lengthy trial
   for presidential sawyers.

Losing Bush is not an option.
   Fate will see to that.
But will we lose him soon enough,
   this Texan Arafat?
And when we lose him, will we get
   a statesman of our choosing,
Or end up with a Cheney who's
   still cruising for a bruising?

Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Doomed'
To 'The Most Hated Man In The World'