Rebates For Hillary
Being sung by a desperate Hillary to the tune
"I've Got A Pocketful Of Dreams"
(I'm no millionaire, but I'm not the type to care…)

My campaign despairs
Of finding millionaires
Who'll pay off each creditor who screams.

James Carville's been free,
But Wolfson's costing me
Dough with all his money raising schemes.

Derivatives on Wall Street –
Slick deals we can't disclose –
What they are worth,
No one on earth
But Paulson claims he knows.

Can you picture lucky me
If I were Wolfson free,
And Bushie's checks paid for my White House Dreams

Music by James V. Monaco
Original Lyric by Johnny Burke
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'