Sung to the tune
"I Can't Get Started"

I've shown the Saudi's Abdullah my place,
Yet can't master Dick Cheney's straight face
When asked why we started
What now is regarded as pooh.

As a business man I need CPR,
Yet Rove said he'd make me a star,
But Karl's a louse – a two-face –
Whose ace up his sleeve is more pooh.

Smear John McCain;
And then we had to do
Just for a fight or two.
Without the foresight, you knew,
We'd need to follow through.

I've tried consulting with Dr. Phil,
And even tried that next-morning pill –
But abort Karl Rove? Never,
Nor ever manage his pooh.

Music by Vernon Duke
Original Lyric by Ira Gershwin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'