While Powell and the FCC
   mandate this new deception,
Please turn your TV's sound off
   until after the election.
For Rove has found a way to make sure
   Bush gets reelected,
And each communique won't leave
   his audience "perplected."

Remember the success
   of silent stars like Buster Keaton,
Whose lapses weren't collapses
   of the mind that need deletin'?
Who wasn't forcing folks to hear
   their mother tongue get mangled
In ways that made their brains think his
   might never be untangled?

Rove's weapon will be captions
   to replace each garbled word,
Which like as not aren't words at all,
   yet help him sound absurd.
Jon Stewart and The Daily Show
   will need to hire lip readers
To show how Bush translators
   have remained the same misleaders.

They could still be nonsensical
   if Wolfie's the translator,
Or merely be ambiguous
   if Cheney's the prevaricator.
If they don't work, Rove's next move
   will be bonafide cartoons:
"My name is uh-uh-uh George Bush
   and I approve of Looney Tunes."

Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'