Sung to the Noel Coward tune

Sediment, it's Bush's sediment
That makes their sins so evident to all.
It keeps news channels humming,
While the president is strumming,
While the levees fall.

Who knew that he could play guitar
   or even carry a tune?
His goal in flying over
   has been terribly misconstrewn –
The Rolling Stones won't hire him
   if he's wrinkled like a prune
From his sediment, that's all.

Sediment, it's Bush's sediment
That makes their sins so evident to all.
The mayor and the gov,
Working hand and glove,
Never got Mike's call.

He would have phoned repeatedly
   but was preoccupied
Trying to determine where
   Cheney chose to hide,
Fearing that he might be
   shovelling against the tide
In the sediment, that's all.

Sediment, it's Bush's sediment
That makes their sins so evident to all.
Like who will get to loot?
Not let FEMA give a hoot?
But let Blackwater shoot?

Whose pals will be permitted
   to make money out of muck?
Don't fool yourself by thinking
   it involves beginner's luck –
Why all the trips in Air Force One?
   Rove fears he's run amok
In his sediment, that's all.

Music & Original Lyric by Noel Coward
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Domestic Disasters'