Senatorial Delusion
To be sung to the Rodgers & Hart tune
"Where Or When"
(It seems we stood and talked like this before)

Bush schemes we thought had been dismissed before
Now look like most others way beyond his ken,
That he can't remember failed back then

With noes so glaring that his schmos ignore
Gas mileage he's still smiling at like we were smiling when
Gas cost at most a reas'nable buck ten.

To lease Gulf oil for the umpteenth time
Gives his dummies one more chance to pen,
"You all have seen gas highs before,
Vice allies before,
Heard Bushie's lies before,
So stuff it once again."

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Lorenz Hart
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-Conspirator, Congress'