Sheiks Of Araby
To be sung with Jack Teagarden to the tune
"Sheik of Araby"
(I'm the Sheik of Araby. Your love belongs to me.)

Using the pretext of free world trade,
We've duped your Bushies with our charade.
For with Arab oil
And little toil
We march to a diff'rent god.
From under the shade of our desert palms
We issue our call to arms:

We're the Sheiks of Araby.
Farewell security.
Into your ports we'll creep,
Chertoff won't make a peep.
We're working hand and glove
To show'r John Snow with love.
He's done real well, you see,
For the Sheiks of Araby.

We're the Sheiks of Araby,
Who view your flaps with glee.
While Bushie was asleep
That wierdo who's his Veep
Peppered his friend with love.
What was he thinking of?
Probably how to please the
Brave Sheiks of Araby.

Music by Ted Snyder
Original Lyrics by Harry B. Smith & Francis Wheeler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Arabian Ports'
To 'Cheney, The Shooter'