Slow Joe (Lieberman)
To be sung with Barbra Streisand to
"My Country 'Tis Of Thee"
(…Sweet land of liberty)

Nutmeggers, we pray thee
Keep us Lieberman free.
Pray do thy thing.
Lieberman's Bushiefied,
Lieberman's cushyfied,
Because of Joe thousands have died.
Bestow thy sting.

Please keep our country free
Of Joe's hypocrisy,
Of Joe's self-love.
As one of Bushie's shills
He's backing Bushie bills.
To win he backs and fills
For Bushie's love.

When CEOs say please
He courts Bushie on his knees
And sings his song.
We'd hoped Joe could stay awake
And denounce each Bush mistake –
Is Joe just slow on the uptake?
So what is wrong?

Where Bushie fraud we see,
Joe sees a chance that he
Can meekly cling
To perks in which he delights,
John Yoo's Gitmo torture rites,
And Potomac moonlit nights
With Bush, his King.

Music by Thesaurus Musicus
Original Lyric by Samuel F. Smith
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Lieberman'