As sung by Bushie to the tune
(Necessity, necessity, that most unnecessary thing,)

A 'strategy'?
What 'strategy'?
Franks never said we'd need a thing
Called 'strategy'.

Nor was it my intention
To question lack of mention,
Or Rummy's comprehension,
Of 'strategy'.

Cheney & McCain have begun
Belatedly proposing First Aid.
So while Laura warms her buns in the sun,
We'll 'strategize' for Pace and Abizaid:

A 'strategy',
(without Tommy)
Maybe letting pig lips stay
The shade they'd normally be,
So Tony's latest lipstick
Isn't our 'strategy'.

Music by Burton Lane
Original Lyric by Yip Harburg
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Generals'