Swagger vs. Substance

You think Bush is fighting terror?
   like Giuliani at high noon…
Gosh, is that a grievous error.
   Both may strut and lick our wounds,
But neither's done much towards preventing
   the next attack that's "coming soon."

Bush's swagger vs. substance
   matters much at CNN.
When they see his flub the dub dance,
   Dobbs and Blitzer shout, "Amen!"

Squinty eyes; thin lips that holler;
   anything to look sincere.
Wishes he looked like a brawler,
   but can't erase that smirk and leer.

None of this deters Al Qaeda's
   plans to use him to recruit,
Utilizing his speech writer's
   phony claims of hot pursuit.

Arrogance won't catch Osama,
   nor being childishly headstrong.
A strutting no-fly back in 'Bama…
   Still can't admit that he was wrong.

Bob Carlson