The Bush Fam'ly Barnum & Bailey – I
Sung to the Cole Porter tune
"My Heart Belongs to Daddy"

He was insane
To arm Hussein.
Yet Poppy announced rather gaily
"We'll show Iran
Who can't and who can
Make wise with Bush Barnum & Bailey."

Saddam read his lips,
Looked at his hips –
The holsters the pollsters were hailing
Were phoney, too,
So what else was new?
The Bush Fam'ly Barnum was bailing.

Yes, the Bush Fam'ly Barnum was bailing.
To try to keep Ron's boat afloat
He'd have to renege on no taxes.
How they laughed at the lying old goat.

But he did try to warn his dummy,
The results would never be swell
If he went to war with a Rummy
Who didn't know war could be hell.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Bushwhacked'
To 'The Bush Fam'ly Barnum & Bailey – II'
To 'The Bush Fam'ly Barnum & Bailey – III'