The Fat Lady Sings
Sung to the Rodgers & Hart tune
"Sing For Your Supper"

Swim for your supper
And you'll be better off, says Barb'ra Bush.
Her heads up her tush, my dears.
Swim off to Houston where she will let you
Sleep on a flimsy cot,
Where like as not you'll stay for years.

She heard from the bird in charge
You're willing to pay your way
Bailing her Bushie's hay –
Three ninety-five a day.

So bail for your supper
And telll her her state is great
Just don't admit you can't wait
To leave
A place where dopes are that naïve.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Lorenz Hart
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Domestic Disasters'