The G. W. Bush Platform
(Sung to the tune "There'll Be Some Changes Made")

He will be changing your weather.
He'll be changing your sea.
He's goin' to swallow up the Isle of Capri.
Your air? More polluted
   despite what they claim.
Imported water?
   That's the name of their game.

He's gon' to change your way of livin'
   and if that ain't enough,
Wait till you see Dick Cheney
   strut his stuff.
For Halliburton's goin' to make you pay
For things that you find free today.
You'll welcome back old Kenny Lay.

He's goin' to change your way of voting.
You won't know who really won
Until Scalia names another George Bush son.
In schools, no evolution.
   Darwin's crossed off the list.
Forget The Constitution.
   Ashcroft says it won't be missed.

He's goin' to change your way of lovin'.
   He'll do away with The Pill,
While Dole with his Viag'ra
   remains King of the Hill.
Unwanted pregnancies are here to stay.
Increase the population George's way.
Elect him Pope today.

Music by W. Benton Overstreet
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson