The Pariah
To be sung to the Lerner & Loewe tune
"They Call The Wind Maria"
(Away out here we've got a name)

Outside the Beltway we've a name
For self-proclaimed Messiahs,
For Liebermans who're up for grabs.
'Round here they're called pariahs.

Pariahs like this one abound
Where lobbyists bid higher
Than voters who unwittingly
Elected a pariah.

Joe caucuses with Democrats
"Through wind and rain and fire."
But any time Bush need's Joe's vote,
He'll call on 'The Pariah.'
"Pariah! Pariah!", Bush calls for 'The Pariah.'

Music by Frederick Loewe
Original Lyric by Alan Jay Lerner
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Joe Lieberman'