They're Replaying My War
Being sung by Bushie to the tune from Neil Simon's 'Promises, Promises'
"They're Playing My Song"
(… and when they're playing my song, ev'rybody's gotta sh, sh, sh)

Oh, they're replaying my war,
God, they're replaying my war.
And when they replay my war
Ev'rybody's gonna sh**, sh**, sh**.

It seems absurd now?
But it was orchestrated by me!
Yet they're gonna say
That genius could play –
Fiddle like Caligula.
It's the Nero in me.

So they're replaying my war
And still asking what for,
Just like a Kenny G. song,
There's lots who don't appreciate it,
And yet
I've survived and still connive.

'Twas done in haste.
Must be Fox needs a second taste,
So on your TV
They're replaying my war.

Music by Marvin Hamlisch
Original Lyric by Carol Bayer Sager
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Media Flacks'