This Power I Love
To be sung with Ginny Simms to Cole Porter's
"What Is This Thing Called Love?"
(…This funny thing called love?)

What is this power I love,
This power I want more of?
But who can solve the mystery
Of why it's giv'n to fools like me.

Saddam would dare
To torture and slay –
Power I admire,
Abu Ghraib ev'ry day.

Be sure to thank the Lord
I'm one cut above –
It's flag burning and gays
That I'm tired of.

So say a prayer
At breakfast each day
Bell South won't inform
My new NSA,
And pass the word
To Mike's CIA
'Bout those who might
Rub me the wrong way.

But why's a court
Rule from above
And give to fools
This power I love?

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Arrogant Autocrat'