You can't trust your president? What a big surprise!
Four more years of infamy, calumny and lies –
You don't care if he misspoke, misunderstood, misled?
You don't care how many folks because of him are dead?

You don't feel you've been betrayed by Bush's evil-doing?
While any opposition's met with vicious Bush pooh-poohing?
You don't mind he never has admitted he was wrong?
You don't mind that puppet role where you get strung along?

You don't mind if corporations get away with murder?
If ev'ry fraud that they commit's absurder and absurder?
You don't mind if Merck rewards executives who killed us?
If Bush makes sure all Mercks have over-pilled and over-billed us?

Trust is what we all require, especially our troops.
Not belated rationales that function more like "Oops."
Will Bush come clean, admit he goofed and promise to do better?
Like any four year-old who's been and still is a bed-wetter…

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Lying Prevaricator'