"Unlawful combatants"? What combatant's not?
Well, maybe, just maybe, the one who's not caught.
Do the trees in the woods make a noise when they fall
If no one is there who can see and tell all?

"Unlawful combatants"? Another Bush hoax!
A Bush war that's lawful? One of life's little jokes.
Unlawful depends on what's lawful, it seems.
Remember how Junior loved Kenny Boy's schemes?

"Unlawful combatants" tried by due process?
But not by Bush Junior in his Iraqi mess.
As his tortures continue who will let us X-rate him?
Can he build enough prisons to hold all who hate him?

Or will he, like the Spanish, spurn incarceration
And let it be known he's for incineration?
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
Without enough prisons he'll find ashes a must.

Bob Carlson

To 'A. Romeo Gonzales'
To 'Another Duck'
To 'Another Spanish Inquisition'