WalMart? No Not Much
(Sung to the tune "No Not Much")

Do we buy mince pies from China? In a clutch?
Made from barkers or from whiners? Or some such?
Do we need their help to keep our prices low?
Tax them and watch where our lowest prices go.

Deficits do not concern us, no not much,
Until we find it's WalMart's bottom line they touch.
Junior says he'll let us know
Which way he intends to go –
Will he want to upset WalMart? Not that much.

Do they have cheap goods to sell us? No not much.
Can they cheaper personnel us? Not that much.
Will they let the dollar float
And upset their gravy boat?
Or will they sit back and gloat? No not much.

Once they've bought us, will they sell us? For how much?
Will they evangelical us? Or go Dutch?
But make sure we have the yens
To favor Buddhist born-agains
When they shop at WalMart? No not much.

Music & Original Lyric by Robert Allen & Al Stillman
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Junior vs. WalMart'
To 'Co-conspirators - WalMart'
To 'Policies - Greed'