Walrus Johnny Bolton *
With thanks to "Little Orphant Annie"

Walrus Johnny Bolton we fear is hear to stay,
But he'll be diplomatic in The Walrus Johnny Way.
He'll break our cups and saucers. It's called The Walrus Touch,
Though those on the receiving end claim they don't like it much.
He'll light the fire, he'll burn the bread, he'll blame it on the smoke,
Assuring anyone still 'round he meant it as a joke –
     While Lou Dobbs frightens viewers with scary tales about
     How Walrus Johnny gets you if you don't watch out.

Walrus Johnny Bolton despises the UN.
That building that it occupies? He'll cut the floors by ten.
Most assume of course that he will take them from the top,
But no, The Walrus Johnny Way's to say the top won't drop.
The UN language translators will be the next to vanish.
To please illegal immigrants, all must master Spanish –
     While Kofi Annan scares envoys with ghastly tales about
     How Walrus Johnny gets you if you don't watch out.

Walrus Johnny Bolton has bossed the CIA,
Getting anyone dismissed who's gotten in his way,
Maligning whistle blowers with whom he disagrees –
Question Walrus Johnny and you'll soon be picking peas.
So why's The Walrus nominated? What's he got on Bush?
Why is Condoleeza warning ev'ryone to shoosh?
     She must somehow have gotten wind of furtive tales about
     How Walrus Johnny gets you if you don't watch out.

* The Washington Post - 4/20/05
"Panel Delays Vote on Bolton Nomination to U.N."

Original Verse by James Whitcomb Riley
This Version by Bob Carlson

To 'Knockin' Johnny Bolton'
To 'No, Johnny Bolton! No!'
To 'Diplomacy'